Session IX - Tentacles and Green Ichor (2001-06-26)

There were two orcs left with their leading "lady", three thugs and the apprentice of Ofek in addition to the party and Gustav.

The passage opened again, but the floor itself seemed to rise and form into a tentacle that attacked the orcs and humans at the entrance. The frog-monster itself slashed with its tentacles and sliced a thug in two. Vadgral was near the entrance to escape, but was torn between attacking the tentacle blocking the way and the big ugly himself. She finally mad a decision and charged the monster. The creature was able to slash Vadgral with its long tentacles before Vadgral was able to reach it, which in turn threw off her aim and she missed.

Ulf was also in melee with the demon, but missed. Radagast cast magic missile at the monster, which splashed green ichor from the small wound. Radagast could feel that something was trying to block his casting, but he was succesful regardless.

Lidya, the only female thug, was attacking the tentacle at the entranc. She was fighting with a weapon in each hand. She got a stab in, but the tentacle didn't seem to care. Drik cast Bless, which brought a little help to the motley crew fighting for their lives.

Bardia heroicly charged the demon frog, but both he and the monster missed. Gustav fired his double crossbow at the demon, but he was so scared both bolts went wide off the target. The creature then lashed Bardia with its tentacle. Vadgral was also trying to find an opening, but missed. Radagast again unleashed a bolt of magical energy at the beast, but the wounds did not seem to slow it down one bit.

Lidya took a massive hit from the tentacle at the entrace. She was slammed against the wall, which nearly knocked her out. Still she did not quit.

Bardia was finally able to sink his greatsword into the demon, but his strength was not enough to cause much of a wound. Gustav was so scared he seemed to run away into one of the sleeping chambers; Radagast heard he was loading his crossbow again.

Fighting will only make it worse. You can serve me. The strange creature was telepathically talking to the people and orcs fighting against it. If the suggestion made anyone falter, it went unnoticed in the heat of the battle. Bardia sneered at the demon, commenting something about Ofek. The demon did not take that lightly, and hit Bardia so hard he nearly passed out from the force. Ulf also got a hit in at the demon, while Radagast's crossbow bolt just barely missed the demon.

Lidya finally finished the lone tentacle. Drik took the opportunity and went past her to see if the tunnel was really open. It was dark so he had to cast light to see. To his relief, the tunnel was still open.

Bardia got a good hit at the demon, and even Gustav managed to hit it with his crossbow.

Everybody had totally forgotten that the dead did not remain dead in this place. The oversight was quickly changed, when one dead thug rose next to Ulf and attacked him from behind. The big and ugly finished the job, and Ulf fell to the ground. One dead orc also rose from the dead at the tunnel entrance.

Vadgral decided to attack the undead that had sneaked on Ulf. She got a hit in, but the creature was still standing. Radagast's crossbow bolt again barely missed the demon, but the demon was not doing any better when it tried to hit Bardia. Bardia also missed.

At the entrance Drik finally joined melee, and flanked the undead orc. His first hit went wide off the mark, though. The undead quickly tried to slash Drik, but missed.

The thug-zombie fighting Vadgral got lucky, and poor Vadgral slumbed to the ground with nasty slashing wounds. The demon's slight tentacle flip was enough finally drop Bardia to the ground, bleeding. Radagast was getting desperate, cursed and again missed with his crossbow. Gustav did not do any better.

Lidya, although seemingly in pain from her previes wounds, bravely attacked the undead orc, but missed with both weapons, as did Drik. Radagast had retreated next to Lidya, trying to fend off the demon that was following him. He barely managed to dodge the tentacles. Radagast was panicing and tried to tumble through the fight in the tunnel. He stumbled on Lidya's feet, and fell right next to the orc-that-once-was. That may have helped Lidya, though for her next hit reached the creature but it was still fighting.

The only remaining orc had gathered some shreds of courage, and tried to attack the frog-demon. His bravery was short lived. The demon wrapped its tentacles around his body and ripped him into two pieces spewing blood and intestines over everyone.

Since Gustav was forgotten by all the monsters (the one who had felled Vadgral was madly slashing her torn body), he sprinted to Bardia and poured a healing potion down his throat.

Drik and the undead orc both missed, but the demon's tentacle whup slammed Lidya to the wall. She did not falter, though, her bearance spoke of desperation. Radagast nimbly hopped to his feet drawing his sword, and made a feeble attempt at the undead orc. Understandably a miss. Lidya also missed, but Drik sunk his axe into the creature which stopped its unholy reanimation.

At that point Ofek's former apprentice said in Orcish that he was going to serve the demon!

Bardia had regained enough senses, and charged the undead that was still shredding the body of Vadgral. Bardia finished the creature in one strike. That was the last of the undeads.

The demon slapped Lidya with a tentacle, and finally Lidya succumbed. Another tentacle nearly decapitated Radagast but for his quick reflexes. That was enough for Radagast, and he retreated into the relative safety of the tunnel as fast as he could.

Bardia checked that Vadgral was beyond help, and fired an arrow towards the demon. It went straight through, spilling green ichor as it went! Bardia also yelled to Gustav to shoot at the monster, but Gustav missed.

You will pay for this. With those departing words the creature shimmered and transformed into a gemstone. Ofek's former apprentice grabbed the stone, and sprinted as fast as he could towards the hole through which the creature had appeared. He was too fast for anyone to reach him in time, and nobody was foolish enough to follow him to the catacombs.

Bardia cut the head off from Vadgral's corpse just as it was starting to rise. Near the tunnel entrance an orc rose from the dead, and got a surpise hit at Gustav. Drik quickly turned the creature, which was cowering in fear from him. Gustav moved behind Drik and started loading his crossbow. Radagast botched his attack. Bardia charged, and sliced off an arm from the creature. Radagast got also lucky and actually hit the thing. Gustav was yelling encouragement from behind Drik. Finally Bardia finished the thing.

Radagast noticed that Lidya was still breathing, although unconscious. Bardia checked Ulf, and saw that he too was only unconscious. With the unconscious comrades in tow they fled the sewers as fast as they could.

They made it safely back to the city. The next problem was getting unquestioned to the castle. Gustav had a plan. He lead the party to a poorer section of the town (Bardia was complaining that Ulf should watch his diet since he was so heavy), and knocked on a door. A woman answered, clearly surpised at seeing Gustav and a little scared. From their discussion it appeared that she owed something to Gustav. Eventually the woman lead them into her humble home, which she shared with her two little boys.

Bardia apologized for the woman for the disturbance and gave her a gold coin. She was clearly surprised, but took the gold nevertheless. The children were fascinated by Ulf. "Is that a real orc?" they squeeled in delight. In an attempt to keep their secret safe, Bardia offered the boys a silver coin each if they would not tell anyone about their visitors. Wild eyed the boys took the money, most likely more than less frightened by the thought of what Bardia would do to them if they were caught spilling the news... Lastly Bardia checked Lidya for weapons, found two daggers and manacles. He put the manacles on Lidya, after which everyone went to sleep.

In the morning most woke up to praying calls (Drik seemed to take a liking to the religious nature of the poor folk). Drik also healed everyone, including Lidya. Ulf woke up from his slumber very hungry, and somehow managed to find a few live beetles in his pouch. He ate them while the children watched with amazement. The kids later explained that they liked to eat bugs too, although their mother did not want them to do that. Radagast explained that was for the best, and that only orcs could eat beetles safely.

Lidya asked what the deal was with the manacles. When it was explained she was a prisoner, she took a key from her belt and nimbly opened the locks. Drik, finally realizing that Lidya indeed was a prisoner and a slave trader and whoever knows what, wanted to kill her then and there, brandishing his axe. Bardia and Radagast looked each other in the eye with total amazement. Drik sure was getting weirder and weirder. Lidya did not wait for the outcome, and bolted for the door. Radagast's attampt at casting sleep failed, and Drik's swing with the axe only caused people to dug out of the way.

After the incident, Gustav said he was going to go fetch Tyvis to take care of the matter with the peacebonded weapons. The woman had already left for work (she was selling fish), and just as Gustav was leaving he told the kids to go after their mother to help her. The kids were leaving, when Drik and Radagast noticed they had lost their daggers. Drik accused the boys from stealing, which they promptly denied (keeping their hands behind their back). First Radagast thought he'd just let it go, but Drik again seemed to be furious. Radagast caused a minor illusion, drawing a dagger from one of the boy's ears. The boys got scared and surrendered the daggers, and run off.

After Gustav left, Radagast sheepishly apologized for panicing near the end of the fight against the demon. Bardia waved his apologies off, saying it was ok.

Tyvis finally arrived with a plan. He explained that everyone would need to be blindfolded and that they would use illegal means to get outside the city (after which they could legally enter it again). He asked if anyone had any objections, but everyone seemed to be ok with the plan. He lead them nonchalantly through the streets towards the waterfront. There everyone was blindfolded. They could still guess that they were being lead onto a river barge, and put into barrels. After about an hour they were unloaded outside the city gate. The rough looking men handling the barge pointed them to the road and told them to start walking.

They got back to the castle without an incident. Dinner had already started, so they just quikcly changed clothes to join the other guests. It seemed a good portion of the dinner consisted of wine, for the other patrons were already talking big. Radagast got the idea of having a drinking contest with Drik. Drik quickly downed some five glasses of wine. Radagast managed one, and nearly passed out. He quickly returned to his quarters to rest... Ulf also retired early, he got a fascinating idea to literally lick his wounds. Orcs!

While Radagast and Ulf were totally oblivious to the real world, Bardia and Ulf went to meet Gustav. They got sacks of gold for each (some special bonuses since the mission was far more than anticipated), and Bardia paid off the debt of the woman in whose house they had stayed. Bardia, being the good fellow, paid it all off from his own share.

The next morning Drik had a mighty hangover. He also dimly remembered telling all about his magnificent adventures to the avid listeners at the dinner party. Radagast was not much better, his frail health giving him trouble as usual. They both also found the sacks Bardia had brough them contained 80 gold pieces.

Bardia went to buy new materials for a bow. Ulf and Radagast went to see the castle mage. They learned that it wasn't that easy getting teaching in wizardry in this place: once a year wizards chose apprentices which they would teach, and it was several months till the occasion. Ulf managed to get a deal from a wizard chamberlain (they had not met the castle mage) so that Ulf could borrow a book, for a cost, to copy a spell. Radagast left in disgust, saying to Ulf that they should visit Radagast's home country were they had wizard schools even.

Radagast then proceeded to find Wolfgar. He learned that Wolfgar charged 200 gold pieces per week to teach the trick Radagast was interested in. Dismayed, Radagast left in search for a cheaper swordsmaster. He found Hema, but it turned out Hema did not teach the trick Radagast was interested in. "Damn the uncivilized world," he cursed.
