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Galen sprinted to Radagast, but Drik yelled them to get away while he held the cleric back. Galen and Radagast didn't really have many options, as they could not see anything that was happening in the darkness, so they run away into the forest.
Galen and Radagast did not hear or see the woman, or Drik, again. They soon found a small stream, and Galen figured if they followed it downstream they might eventually hit the river that flowed through Dhunraven. Soon they were greeted with the sight of the river, but they did not know which way the city was. They started going downriver.
In the evening they started getting hungry. Galen managed to forage some supper, and even some leftovers for breakfast. They had to sleep on hard ground for that night.
The second day they heard some wild animal moving near them. They hid. Soon they could see an owlbear, sniffing the ground, obviously following their tracks. Radagast realized he was leaving guite a bloody trail behind him, which had probably attracted the beast. Galen tried to sneak further away, but the owlbear heard him. Radagast was almost certain they would be killed, but cast Mage Armor in preparation for his last fight. After a few frenzied slashes they realized somebody was shooting arrows at the beast, and the arrows actually killed it, after both Galen and Radagast had let it feel cold steel.
They could see four men dressed in green. The men wanted to know who they were and what were they doing. Galen introduced himself and explained their situation, which made Radagast cringe; it was never a good idea to tell too much to a stranger. The woodsmen did not recognize Galen, though, so Radagast said: "Do you recognize the name Sir Radagast, then?" At that the woodsmen relaxed, and came closer. They were Bardia's scouts. After explaining how they had explained from the cleric, and the heroic battle of Garwolf, Radagast told them the route they had taken from the ruins in case the scouts would be able to locate it again, and possibly save Drik. The scouts in turn told them that Drik's axe had been found on the road, apparently since the axe jolted anyone not pure of heart, with Garwolf's body and crumbled skeletons as well as the body of the mummy. They also mentioned that the head of house Wechseler had been murdered in his own home.
The scouts guided the weary travelers safely back to the city.
The gate guards were trying to explain to a big half-orc why he could not take his wolves into the city. Zig Zag, as the half-man was called, was having a hard time understanding why, and even harder time trying to convince the guards his wolves would behave. To make matters worse, there was a bounty of wolves, so the guards were obviously eager to get some extra cash. Radagast took a pity on Zig Zag and asked if he had a leash for his animals, and if the guards would let them in like that. Eventually, after the wolves were chained and muzzled to the guards' satisfaction they let Zig Zag enter. By that time he had pretty much annoyed the heck out of everyone.
Radagast and Galen met another unexpected person at the gates as well. She was a true beauty, with strangely familiar features. It turned out she was Cassandra, Drik's sister. She had heard that her brother had disappeared, possibly killed, and had come to investigate and possibly rescue him. She seemed to radiate the same kind of peacefulness and holiness as Wiglaf.
It was decided that next day anyone who would want to go out and look for Drik would meet next to the Blue Trush inn, which Radagast wanted to check before heading out. There was also the matter of equipment: Radagast only had a gold piece to his name that he had swindled from Zig Zag, and Galen was out of money (although as he had showed earlier, quite capable of living by his performances). Cassandra borrowed some equipment from the temple for Galen, and Radagast saw Bardia who got him a chain shirt and some necessary equipment for surviving in the outdoors.
Zig Zag, as expected, had some trouble finding quarters for his wolves, but eventually he came to an agreement that the wolves would stay in the palace kennel. Cassandra and Galen convinced Radagast it would be best to sleep in an inn and not spend the night in the palace. After Galen performed at the Green Dragon inn he and Radagast got a room there.
In the morning everyone gathered at the Blue Trush, close to the Green Dragon. So early in the morning the place had mostly customers sleeping off previous night's intake of alcohol. Zig Zag seemed to like making enemies, as he entered the tavern and yelled as loud as he could: "WAKE UP!" The barkeep sent his bouncers to escort Zig Zag out.
Zig Zag wanted to have a drink, so Radagast used the situation to his advante and offered to by him a drink: "Ziggy" gave him two silver pieces which Radagast used to buy a drink for his name and drank it himself. He chatted with the barkeep, as Cassandra and Galen kept him company (the barkeep was especially taken by Cancide, suggesting some further private meetings). Radagast tried to pry some information from the man without raising any suspicions, but the barkeep was adamant Eomric nor anyone famous had ever visited his establishment. While Radagast and Cassandra were keeping the man busy, Galen slipped into the single private room. It was decorated with hunt memorablia like the main tarvern. Galen quikcly found that the head of the fox was loose, and discovered three parchments in the small space behind. Before leaving, Radagast and Cassandra also took a brief look at the private room, and Radagast told the barkeep they might show up for some private dinner some time.
Outside, Galen showed the letters. One was a list of suspected followers of Vecna, some names alreday crossed out. It appeared thye crossed out names were already executed in the trials. There were also two letters addressed to Lord Khulven, at least one of them from Eomric.
According to the testimony of the proprietor of the Bawdy widow, the following men and women visited the temple of Vecna under his establishment:
Basil the Baker
Thomas the Furrier
Ingolf the Marvelous, minstrel
Madame Nicasia (perhaps also a worshipper of Ungit)
Thurmond Olafson of Clydeswillow
Aldabert the cobbler's apprentice
Throckmund the baker's apprentice
Wiglaf the Ironmonger
Eomund the physician, priest of Vecna
A tall, man (apparently slightly more than 6' by the measures of Stormkeep) High priest of Vecna--always wore a horned mask during ceremonies; neither entered nor left through the tavern
A short, fat man (possibly 5' 6" or so and 250lb by the measures of the Kingdom). Wearing rich, crimson cloak.
A medium height woman who entered and left wearing a heavy hooded mantle. Her collar was laced and she wore a signet ring of the Schwertkaufer house. (Possibly Mathilda Schwertkaufer)
A tall man with a scar through his right eye and a fine rapier at his side.
A tall, broad shoulde
red man with a tattooed face and a greatsword in his baldric. Never entered through the tavern. (Interesting--the description of the tattoos would fit a worshipper of Erynthul)
A large, imposing man always entered wearing a floor length winter guard-cloak which obscured his face.
Thomas Throckmundson, knight of the Watch, 5th company.
A short, thin woman--wore a drab cloak over a revealing gown and a ballroom mask.
A tall, broadshouldered man--always entered wearing a heavy, floor length winter mantle and a hood. Brought a similarly attired young woman with him once.
Thag, bouncer at the Troubled Troubador
Thom the signpainter
A medium height, blonde woman of average build. Apparently also an underpriest. Neither entered nor left through the tavern.
A beautiful, dark haired woman of about twenty years. Oil burns on her left breast and an birthmark which looks like the symbol of Vecna on her left thigh.
Three street urchins from the docks--one had brown hair with freckles; unable to remember others.
An older, heavyset man with a bald head and drooping moustache. Once the proprietor caught a glimpse of a magistrate's robes beneath his mantle. (Magistrate Theodore of North Fork?)
An old man with snow white hair and a long beard.
A middle aged man who walked with a cane.The proprietor once saw him outside the establishment in the robes of a mendicant priest. (Possibly Father Dior Wiglafson)
A fat, middle aged woman with a heavy purse. Always wore a hooded green mantle and a scarf.
My Lord Khulvan,
I would recommend that you exercise caution in authorizing Cordwellyn to recruit and operate a mercenary company. I am unsure of his loyalty to Dhunraven and to our King. The assistance of his soldiers could prove useful but be sure to require that we choose the captain and chief lieutenants of the company. Garwulf Theomundson would be a fine choice--he was an excellent and upstanding member of the Waymarch knights for ten years before his appointment as magistrate of Frozen Creek. Tempus Schwertkaufer would be another good choice. Though young and relatively inexperienced, he also seems to possess the qualities we find desirable in a chartered mercenary captain.
Your loyal servant,
Who is behind the recent assassination attempts? Although my magics have not yielded clear answers to this question, it is clear that it must be someone who stands to gain from the vanishing of your heir my Lord Khulvan. So, who would that be?
It is certainly true that those who would cast off the shackles of Stormkeep and see Glome once more under her own king would gain if Allayn did not succeed you in this fief. Though none of the Lords speak openly in favor of this, you and I both know that many in the Council of Lords are of this party. Our neighbors would also stand to gain from a disputed succession. Since Lord Bjoric's speech in the Council five years ago, all have known that his wife is your Lordship's second cousin and, as he said at that time, he would press her claim if you did not choose an heir. Were Allayne to die or dissappear, that door would once more be open to him. He is not alone. By my estimate, at least a half dozen men in the duchy have claims as strong or stronger (although none have his clout with the Council). I am told that there has also been discussion regarding bastard lineages. It is well known that your brother had a penchant for less than pure women - indeed, it is also rumored that he aquired the disease that killed him from those women. Though the laws of Stormkeep do not permit a bastard to inherit, some point out that Glome had different laws in the days before Queen Orual and that there is precedent for such a succession. Though I will not accuse him of harboring such ambitions, we both know that, whatever Tomaloc's patronym may claim, he is widely rumored to be your brother's by-blow.
One other thing to consider is that spiritual forces may be at work here. Although it is quite possible that this has nothing to do with the human traitors in our midst, Allayne was taken by the orcs as a sacrifice to the Ravager of Peoples. It may be that the old gods (neither you nor I are so foolish as to deny their existence this close to the cursed lands) or their accursed followers have some hand in these doings.
Your loyal servant,
Since the suspect letters indicated Mathilda as a follower of Vecna, Radagast wanted to pay a visit to her with Cassandra, to see if Cassandra would be able to pick up some clues from her. Galen was obviously no longer welcome there, so he stayed back with Ziggy (who would probably get thrown out of the house in a matter of seconds anyway).
It turned out both Mathilda and her brother Tempus were home. They met Mathilda first. Radagast decided to decline any food or drink, claiming they had just had had breakfast. They did not chat too long with Mathilda until they met Tempus. He was practicing, and asked Radagast if to a friendly duel. Radagast agreed, the fight would be to first blood. When Cassandra gave the mark, Radagast got Tempus by surpise, charged, and slashed Tempus with his greatsword. Tempus took that with good spirits, but suggested another duel. He was obviously a little embarrased on how easily Radagast had beaten him. Radagast agreed, and this time Tempus showed him he was at least as good a fighter as Garwolf had been (although Tempus said Garwolf had once beaten him in a joust). Tempus easily disarmed Radagast of all his weapons: greatsword, flail, and finally dagger. Radagast yielded.
By that time Ziggy had grown restless, and decided to come and see what was holding Radagast and Cassandra. He soon found himself in duel, a friendly one though, with Tempus. Tempus again showed his skill.
After some more talk with Tempus, Cassandra trying more or less recruit him, the party took off in the woods with the scout Bardia had lent them for tracking. When Galen had joined the group, Cassandra explained that she could sense evil with Mathilda and her bodyguards, but Tempus was "clean".
The party backtracked the route Radagast and Galen had taken in their flight. Soon they could feel something, or someone, was following them. Galen tried to hide and wait for their followers to show themselves, but he was unsuccesful. So, for the night they chose double guards, with Zig Zag being alone with his wolves.
On Ziggy's watch he was surpised by arrows. He charged, yelling to wake his comrades, but ended up being hit with more arrows without seeing anyone. He run back to camp, looking like a pincushion.
Radagast yelled to him to let the wolves loose, and tell them to attack. Zig Zag did that, after some debate (he did not want to get his wolves killed), but his wolves had no luck either locating the attacker as he sent them in the direction where he did not find anything. He was forced to call his wolves back. Galen tried to sneak closer to the direction from where the arrows were coming from, but stepped on a huge dry branch waking the whole forest, and getting a hail of arrows his way. As nobody could think of a good way to smoke out the attacker, they decided to hide for the rest of the night.
The next day they continued moving fowards, Galen trying his best to try and catch a glimpse of their follower. Finally he was succesful - it was Venya! He managed to leap on Venya first, but that was not enough to even slow down Venya, who was again using magic to make himself even more powerful. By the time the rest of the party got into fighting distance, Radagast could make out that he had Haste, Expeditious Retreat and Shield spell going on at the same time. It was nearly impossible to hit him. Venya was having a blast, using all his tricks to taunt the party and launching murdeously accurate strikes, and dancing away from danger. Galen and Zig Zag especially were getting badly hurt, while Radagast was just trying to hit him with his crowssbow and stay out of sword range.
Venya was becoming a bit overconfident, though. Spells eventually run out... Cassandra struck him with all her considerable might, launching a searing blast of light from her sword at the same time, which left Venya visibly shocked. The badly wounded Zig Zag called upon his barbarian rage and his axe spoke vengeance. Venya took off as fast as he could, clutching his burned arm, still unnaturally fast. The party was hot on pursuit. They swore that this time they would get him: Venya was bleeding, leaving rather an easy trail to follow for Ailmund the scout and the wolves.