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While watching the orcs Radagast and Gronthor got somehow lost from Cassandra, who was dragging Jobric along. Cursing disappearing people they just headed for Shopik as fast as they could.
The heroes returning back all beaten up without gear did not go unnoticed from the inhabitants, but since Radagast and Gronthor could not help the situation they just went to buy some supplies and get some healing. Radagast sold his greatsword, and with that and the money from the previously sold longbow Gronthor was able to come up with decent gear.
Next morning the duo set out again. Near the tower they stumbled into an orcish hunting party. The four orcs had just killed a deer. As soon as they saw Radagast one of them recognized Radagast and the orcs promptly attacked. Radagast and Gronthor were overconfident of the situation, which nearly cost them their lives. Just barely managing to stay conscious Radagast felled the second to the last of the orcs, at which point the last orc grabbed one of his unconscious fellows and sprinted into the woods. Radagast and Gronthor soon heard noise from that direction so they run off into the opposite direction.
They run until Gronthor could run no longer, and then walked through the night. They reached Shopik the following morning. The guards must have shaken their heads in disbelief: how could anyone get some much punishment and go beg for more?
The duo again heads for Gjuldor, who heals them. They explain their mission and Gjuldor provides them with some healing ointment.
In the common hall they meet a man dressed up in yellow robes. He is Theodoris, and his companion is a dog, Devilbane. He said he was looking for his friend Krag. It turned out he was the hero of the poor Radagast had heard earlier in Dhunraven, and Krag really was the orc chief that had saved Radagast from slavery back in Cursed Lands. Theodoris was trying to catch up with Krag.
Theodoris decided he could help Gronthor and Radagast get into the tower. Next morning they set off, Devilsbane leading. After a while Devilsbane spotted something, and blinked! right next to Theodoris. Radagast and Gronthor could barely believe their eyes. They could not dwell on that too long, as the creatures Devilsbane had spotted came into view. They were huge, twisted animals resembling badgers. Theodoris blasted a strange combination of lighting and fire at the creatures, and Devilsbane blinked next them and attacked. Radagast and Gronthor helped a little with their arrows, but in the end it was Theodoris with his powerful spells that ended the encounter.
They got to the clearing and the tower without further incident. After some negotiation Radagast made Devilsbane invisible and he went scouting. Soon he reported that he'd smelled big cat, and did not want to investige alone any further. Radagast got him to drop some more food for the girl just in case...
Radagast made himself also visible, and went with Devilsbane to the second clearing trying to find a way into the prison. All he found was a net trap the orcs, assumably, had put near the well.
Realising the only clue left is the sealed passageway under the orc tower, Radagast and Gronthor lead the way to the secret entrace to the cellar. There they quickly overpowered the two orc guards, and Theodoris cast an arcane lock on the trapdoor, sealing it so that the orcs in the tower would have a hard time getting into the cellar.
Theodoris cast another spell and Radagast found himself on the other side of the seal. Theodoris joined him a few seconds later. What had Radagast glued to his footsteps was a centaur-lion. Dumbstruck, and slightly confused by some spell effect he had just barely resisted, Radagast said he and Theodoris were there to rescue her. The centaur laughed, and made it clear it did not need to be rescued. Theodoris blasted fire at the creature, and Radagast sent his tiny missiles of magic in their trail. The centaur replied by making mirror images of itself. Theodoris made Radagast attack really fast, and Radagast's sword dispatched several mirrors. The centaur took a step back, gulped a potion and breathed fire on Radagast. That turned out to be its last act as Radagast killed it on the spot. Radagast was relived to be alive, although badly burned.
While Theodoris brought Gronthor through the wall Radagast rubbed the healing salve on his wounds, but it did not help much. The centaur had one more potion in her belt, a dagger and a golden armband.
Theodoris then left, wishing Radagast and Gronthor good luck.