d20 Ability Calculator for Android makes it easy to create characters with the point buy system.
36 Point buy.
All abilities start at 8 Scores may be purchased as shown on the following scale:
Score Cost =========== 9 1 10 2 11 3 12 4 13 5 14 6 15 8 16 10 17 13 18 16
I use Charisma as a luck score in addition to its other uses. Thus rolls for which there is no relevant skill or attribute may be based on charisma (at my discretion).
Humans, half-orcs, and Orcs are the only available character races.
Characters native to the Highlands begin play illiterate, but, if they would otherwise be literate, have two ranks of perform (dance and poetry). Characters native to the cursed lands are also illiterate, but, if they would otherwise be literate, have two ranks of Wilderness Lore.
Humans and Half-orcs: see PHB for description.
According to the bards, orcs were created by the ancient emperors before the fall of Hansea to serve as their armies. Their nature was changed by magic to make them grow stronger and faster than ordinary humans. Whereas an ordinary man might take more than twenty years to reach the height of his physical prowess, orcs are fully mature by 12. This enabled them to quickly replenish their battlefield losses. These changes, however keep orcs and humans from freely mixing their blood. Almost without exception, half-orcs are sterile.
For a thousand years, they were the most feared soldiers of the empire. These enhancements came at a price, however. In order to control them, the emperors bound their wills to the Crown of Swords. Until the empire fell, no orc could defy the will of the emperor. The crown was lost, however, when the city of Hansea fell to the invading hordes. When the armies of Lim Dul came from across the seas and invaded the empire, the orcs fought back fiercely. After the final battle on the plains of betrayal, scarcely one orc was left alive for every ten who marched into battle. The remnant of the empire enslaved the remaining orcs lest the orcs, free of the crowns compulsion, should attempt to rule the country. Many orcs, however escaped and now live in tribes ranging across the Cursed Lands and around the ruins of Hansea.
After the rebellion of Capernaum, orcish slaves started to view the nation as an escape from their plight. Their abilities, not surprisingly, made them well suited for combat and orcs now serve as the backbone of the Capernaen Legions. More orcs would most likely flee to the Republic of Capernaum if the worship of Ares were permitted there.
Orc Racial Traits:
+2 str, +2 con, -2 intelligence, -2 wisdom, -2 charisma.
Orcish base speed is 30 feet.
+2 bonus to all saves against non-enchantment magic. Against enchantment magic, orcs have a 2 penalty to their save.
Darkvision: Orcs can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Darkvision is black and white only, but is otherwise just like normal sight; orcs can function fine without any light at all.
Proficient with either Battleaxe, Greataxe, and Javalin (Orcs from the Cursed Lands), or Longspear, shortspear, and shortsword (orcs from the Republic of Capernaum).
Favored class: Barbarian (Orcs from the Cursed Lands) or Fighter (orcs from the Republic of Capernaum).
I interpret alignment somewhat differently than the standard D&D. In this campaign, Good and Evil are real, absolute, magically detectable forces. Law and Chaos are not. Law and Chaos are not magically detectable. Characters are not committed to them as if they were platonic ideals (although some characters may be committed to the rule of law). Feel free to interpret the law/chaos section of the alignment however you want to role-play it.
The game-play effect of this is that spells like protection from law, or Dictum are unavailable to anyone. The Law and Chaos domains are similarly unavailable.
Because the Old Gods are not concerned with good or evil, no spells that detect good or evil are available to their clerics. Followers of El Elyon and the Keepers of the dead retain these spells.
I am interested in DMing a heroic campaigngroups of neer-do-wells and perverted villains bore me. In keeping with this goal, only good and neutral characters (other than Im Chaotic Neutral, so I can do whatever I want, but Im not evil) are allowed.
Allowed classes: alt.ranger, All PHB classes except Druid. (Please note that the standard ranger is available).
Fighters: Block Missiles, Block Arrows, Close Quarters Fighting, Improved Sunder, Power Lunge, Riposte, Shield Expert, Hold the Line, Rapid Reload, Shield Specialization, Shield Rush, Stunning Shield Bash, Shield Ward, and Shield and Spear Fighting are allowable selections as Fighter bonus feats.
Clerics: All divine spellcasters must have a number of ranks in Knowledge (religion) in order to cast divine spells. A first level spell requires at least one rank. A ninth level spell would require nine ranks. This is to reflect the increased knowledge of the deity which is gained as a cleric advances.
Since alignments for deities are not listed, clerics may not cast spells with a descriptor opposite any portion of their own alignment. Although there are limitations on clerics alignments by their deities, any deity without the Evil domain can have clerics of all player permitted alignments.
Clerics may not swap their prepared spells for healing spells during casting; Clerics may swap prepared spells for their domain spells freely (as per healing spells in the PHB).
Only Clerics of El Elyon turn undead. Clerics of the Old gods gain powers related to their domains instead (for instance, clerics of Erythnul have the Barbarians rage ability, clerics of Ares gain proficiency in all martial weapons, etc.), and Keepers of the Dead gain some monk abilities (Improved unarmed strike, flurry of blows, and d6 unarmed (non-subdual damage) at first level).
Monks: PHB style monks would all come from the Republic of Capernaum. Some monks are also members of the Keepers of the Dead. Others might be devoted to a contemplative philosophy and study in its school. Depending where they initially trained, monks abilities may vary slightly from those presented in the players handbook. For instance, many orders of monks focus more on armed than on unarmed fighting. These monks sacrifice unarmed damage scaling for a martial weapon proficiency at first level and every four levels thereafter. All weapons chosen in this manner are considered to be monk weapons.
The monks found in Durenheim are often fighters, clerics, or paladins, (and occasionally wizards).
Monks may multiclass freely as long as they maintain a disciplined, ascetic lifestyle.
Paladins: Paladins may be Lawful Good or Neutral Good, but must abide by the teachings of El Elyon given through his servant Lemuel. Most paladins will have grown up in Durenheim. Some may have been converted by followers of El Elyon in other regions, however. All Paladins will have had a vision of El Elyon (this is most rarebe prepared to be called a heretic) or one of the Archangels or Saints who called them to take up arms against evil.
If a paladin is riding his mount when it successfully makes a saving throw against an area effect, the paladin will benefit from the mounts improved evasion. If the mount fails its save, the mount still benefits from the ability, but the paladin is effected normally.
Paladins may multiclass freely as long as this does not represent a diminishing dedication to their calling and they remain faithful to El Elyon and his teachings.
The Alternate Ranger was created by F.J. Eastman and the posters of the forums on Eric Noah's Unofficial D&D 3E News Page (www.rpgplanet.com/dnd3e).
by: F.J. Eastman and the ENBoard Posters
This is an alternative to the Ranger presented in the Players Handbook. The Alt. Ranger is what certain members of the ENBoard feel is a more balanced class with a greater wilderness flair. It answers the complaints that the PHB Ranger is only good for one level.
Abilities: Dexterity is
important for a Ranger because they wear light armor and because several
of ranger skills are based on Dexterity. Strength is important because of
the physical exertion that a life in the wilderness requires. Several
ranger skills are based on Wisdom, and a Wisdom score of 14 or higher is
required to get access to the most powerful ranger spells. A Wisdom score
of 11 or better is required to cast any ranger spells at all.
Alignment: Any
Hit Die: D10
Class Skills
The Alt. Rangers class skills (and the key ability for each skill)
are Animal Empathy (Cha, exclusive skill), Climb (Str), Concentration
(Con), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Hide (Dex), Intuit
Direction (Wis), Jump (Str), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move
Silently (Dex), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Sense Motive
(Wis), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), Use Rope (Dex), and Wilderness Lore (Wis).
See Chapter 4: Skills for full skill descriptions.
Points at 1st level: (4 + Int modifier) x 4
Skill Points at Each Additional
Level: 4 + Int modifier.
Alt. Ranger (Hit Die: d10)
Level Attack Fort/Ref/Will Spells Per Day Bonus Saves Special 1 2 3 4 1 +1 +2 +0 +0 Favored prey, Track - - - - 2 +2 +3 +0 +0 Chosen terrain - - - - 3 +3 +3 +1 +1 Favored prey - - - - 4 +4 +4 +1 +1 Bonus feat 0 - - - 5 +5 +4 +1 +1 Favored prey 0 - - - 6 +6/+1 +5 +2 +2 1 - - - 7 +7/+2 +5 +2 +2 Favored prey 1 - - - 8 +8/+3 +6 +2 +2 Chosen terrain 1 0 - - 9 +9/+4 +6 +3 +3 Bonus feat, favored prey 1 0 - - 10 +10/+5 +7 +3 +3 1 1 - - 11 +11/+6/+1 +7 +3 +3 Favored prey 1 1 0 - 12 +12/+7/+2 +8 +4 +4 1 1 1 - 13 +13/+8/+3 +8 +4 +4 Favored prey 1 1 1 - 14 +14/+9/+4 +9 +4 +4 Bonus feat, chosen terrain 2 1 1 0 15 +15/+10/+5 +9 +5 +5 Favored prey 2 1 1 1 16 +16/+11/+6/+1 +10 +5 +5 2 2 1 1 17 +17/+12/+7/+2 +10 +5 +5 Favored prey 2 2 2 1 18 +18/+13+8/+3 +11 +6 +6 3 2 2 1 19 +19/+14/+9/+4 +11 +6 +6 Bonus feat, favored prey 3 3 3 2 20 +20/+15/+10/+5 +12 +6 +6 Chosen terrain 3 3 3 3
Class Features:
Weapon and Armor Proficiency:
An Alt. Ranger is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, light
armor and shields. Alt. Rangers prefer lighter armor for ease of movement
and because some class skills are penalized by heavy and medium armor.
Spells: As Per PHB Ranger but with Fairie Fire added as a Ranger 1 spell.
Track: An Alt. Rangers gains Track (see PHB page 85) as a bonus feat at first level.
Favored Prey: At first and every other level after that rangers get a point of favored prey. Points of favored prey may be spent on creature types from PHB Table 3-14 to gain or upgrade bonuses against those creatures. A maximum of five points can be placed in any one creature type. For each point of favored prey in a creature type, the ranger gets +1 to Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Wilderness Lore checks against that creature type. He also gets this bonus to attack and damage when using melee weapons or ranged weapons within 30'.
Chosen Terrain: At second level a Ranger chooses a Chosen terrain. He gets a +1 to Animal Empathy, Hide, Intuit Direction, Move Silently, and Wilderness Lore checks while in his chosen terrain due to his familiarity with the surroundings. Every six levels after second (8th, 14th, etc.) a Ranger's chosen terrain bonuses advance by +1 and he may choose another terrain at +1. The terrains are listed on Table 9-5: Terrain and Overland movement. Consult with your DM to add other types of terrain for your ranger on a case-by-case basis.
Overland Movement: The Ranger may attempt to use his Wilderness Lore skill to improve his movement rate in trackless terrain (from Table 9-5, PHB) by finding the optimum way through the terrain. If walking, it requires a DC20 check once per day. If hustling, it requires a DC20 check once per hour. Effect: If alone the Ranger is able to traverse the terrain as if on a "highway". If leading a party of other people, he is able to lead them as if on a "road/trail".
Bonus Feats: A Ranger gets a bonus feat at 4th and every five levels after that. This is in addition to the bonus Track feat at level one. These bonus feats must come from the following list of feats: Alertness, Endurance, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Run, Skill Focus, and Toughness.
Sorcerors: Sorcerors are rare, but they are more common than wizards. The ability to wield arcane magic is not inherent in everyone, but is inborn. Some individuals have this talent but never learn to use it. Others have a weak talent (represented by the sorcerous ability feat) which they can nurture over time. Sorcerors have a strong magical ability and have learned to intuitively control it.
Sorcerors may not multi-class with wizards, but they may become wizards. If a sorceror does so, he or she will have the option of converting sorceror levels to wizard levels (at a cost of 50 xp times character level per level coverted. For example, Zarathrustra is a fifth level sorceror who chose to become a wizard at sixth level. For three hundred xp, he may convert any of his sorceror levels to wizard levels. In this example, he spends six hundred xp to become a level 3/3 sorceror/wizard). Such a character is an ex-sorceror and may no longer gain levels as a sorceror. He, however retains all skills, proficiencies and feats learned as a sorceror, even if he converts all his sorceror levels to wizard levels.
Wizards: Essentially, wizards are sorcerors whose study of magic has been disciplined and rigorous rather than intuitive. Over time, they may become as adept as sorcerors at casting certain spells (this is represented by the signature spell feat which wizards may select as a bonus feat). In general, however, their study of magic has formalized their spells such that they must study a spellbook in order to cast spells. Even so, these spells take much longer to cast unless they are first prepared.
Wizards are rare, but not unknown in Durenheim. In Hansea and Capernaum, wizards are somewhat more common, but are no longer commonplace enough to have a significant effect on most peoples daily lives (The emperors of old were known to be powerful wizards, but most of their knowledge and bloodlines perished during the invasion of Lim Duls legions). In the Highlands and the Cursed Lands, wizards are practically unknown although some Highlanders and some inhabitants of the Cursed Lands have been sorcerors.
Wizards will not have to pay full PHB cost (100gp per page) to copy spells into their spellbook and are able to memorize spells from borrowed or purchased spellbooks without recopying them.
Only a character with sorceror levels or with the sorcerous ability feat may become a wizard after character creation.
A wizard may never gain sorceror levels.
Authority (from http://members.tripod.com/stormkeep/domains.htm modified)
Granted Power:
You have the spell like ability to inspire allies, giving them a +2 morale bonus to saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls. Allies must be able to hear you speak for 1 round. Using this ability is a standard action. It lasts a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier, and may be used once per day.
Authority Domain Spells
1 Command
2 Enthrall
3 Suggestion
4 Discern lies
5 Greater command
6 Geas/quest
7 Repulsion
8 Demand
9 Dominate Monster
Granted Power
Bluff, Disguise, Innuendo, and Perform are class skills.
Beauty Domain Spells
1 Change Self
2 Enthrall
3 Suggestion
4 Polymorph Self
5 Seeming
6 Veil
7 Repulsion
8 Mass Charm
9 Dominate Monster
Granted Power
Once per day you can increase your Charisma score by 4. This is a free action that lasts 1 minute.
Charm Domain Spells
1 Charm Person
2 Calm Emotions
3 Suggestion
4 Emotion
5 Charm Monster
6 Geas/Quest
7 Insanity
8 Demand
9 Dominate Monster
Granted Power:
Immune to disease as a Paladin.
Compassion Domain Spells
Protection from Evil
Remove Disease
Break Enchantment
Heroes' Feast
Holy Aura
Family (FR Guidelines)
Granted Power: Unity ward: As a free action, you may protect a number of creatures equal to your Charisma modifier with a +4 dodge bonus to AC. This supernatural ability lasts 1 round per level. An affected creature loses this protection if it moves more than 10 feet from you. You may affect yourself with this ability.
1 Bless
2 Shield other
3 Helping hand
4 Imbue with spell ability
5 Rarys telepathic bond
6 Heroes feast
7 Succor
8 Protection from spells
9 Prismatic sphere
Granted Power
You gain the Track feat for free and Wilderness Lore is a class skill.
1 Pass without Trace
2 Locate Object
3 Clairaudience/Clairvoyance
4 Locate Creature
5 Commune with Nature
6 Find the Path
7 Greater Scrying
8 Discern Location
9 Sympathy
Justice (from http://members.tripod.com/stormkeep/domains.htm modified)
Granted Power:
Able to Discern Lies as a supernatural ability once per day.
Justice Domain Spells:
Comprehend Languages
Zone of Truth
Speak with Dead
Discern Lies
Mark of Justice
Discern Location
Renewal (from http://members.tripod.com/stormkeep/domains.htm modified)
Granted Power:
If you fall below 0 hit points, you regain a number of hit points equal to ld8 + your Charisma modifier. This supernatural ability functions once per day. If an attack brings you to -10 hit points or below, you die before this granted power takes effect.
Renewal Domain Spells
1 Cure Light Wounds
2 Lesser restoration
3 Remove disease
4 Restoration
5 Atonement
6 Heroes' feast
7 Greater restoration
8 Polymorph any object
9 Freedom
Assassin (NPCs onlysee alignment restrictions), and Blackguard (NPC), Church inquisitor, Templar, Consecrated Harrier, Contemplative, Holy Liberator, Hunter of the Dead, Knight of the Chalice, Loremaster, Master of Shrouds (NPC), Ravager (NPC), Sacred Exorcist (Divine Casters onlywizards, sorcerors, and bards must discuss an alternate version with me), Warpriest.
For others, suggest where they might fit into the campaign world and Ill consider it (Ninja of the Crescent Moon and Arcane Archer are not available, however).
Note that the availability of these classes depends upon areas and organizations within the campaign. For example, one may join the Knights of the Chalice in Durenheim, but not in the Hanseatic Empire because the Holy Order of St. Cuthbert has no presence there.
When multiclassing from a low skill point class to a class which gains more skill points per level, multiply the difference between the skill points by three and add that to the skill points that you would normally gain for advancing a level in the new class.
For example, Braddok the fighter multiclasses to rogue.
His intelligence is 12, giving him one bonus skill point. At first level, he received 3 skill points (not counting the human bonus). For taking a level of rogue, he would normally receive 9 skill points. The difference between the two numbers is six. This means that he receives a bonus of 18 skill points for his first level of rogue, giving him a total of 27 skill points (plus 1 for being human) at second level.
Allowable feats: All of the following feats, PHB and Defenders of the Faith feats. If youre interested in a feat from another source, talk to me first.
Block Missiles
(Calibans House Rules-
You can use your shield to block ranged touch attacks, such as
Melfs acid arrows.
Prerequisite: Shield Proficiency, Shield Specialization, Block Arrows
and Dex 13+.
Benefit: You must have a shield to use this feat. Once per round when you
would normally be hit with a damage causing ranged touch attack (such as
from a spell or spell like ability), you may make a reflex saving throw
against a DC of (20+spell level of the attack you are blocking). If you
succeed, you block the ranged touch attack with your shield, and the
shield takes full damage from the blocked attack (See strike a weapon,
weapons and shields on page 136 of the PHB). You lose all AC benefits of
the shield until your next action. You must be aware of the attack and not
flat-footed. Attempting to block a ranged touch attack doesnt count
as an action. This is an extraordinary ability.
Special: Attacks that hit automatically (such as
Magic missiles) or do no
physical damage cannot be blocked. If you also have the Shield Expert
feat, you do not lose your AC bonus when performing this maneuver.
Block Arrows
(Calibans House Rules)
You can use your shield to block incoming arrows, as well as crossbow
bolts, spears, and other shot or thrown weapons.
Prerequisite: Shield Proficiency, Shield Specialization, and Dex 13+.
Benefit: You must have a shield to use this feat. Once per round when you
would normally be hit with a ranged weapon, you may make a reflex saving
throw against a DC of (20+ any magical attack bonus of the weapon you are
blocking). If you succeed, you block the weapon with your shield, and the
shield takes damage from the blocked weapon (See strike a weapon, weapons
and shields on page 136 of the PHB). You lose all AC benefits of the
shield until your next action. You must be aware of the attack and not
flat-footed. Attempting to block a ranged weapon doesnt count as an
action. Exceptional ranged weapons, such as boulders hurled by giants, or
Melfs acid arrows, cant
be blocked.
Special: If you also have the Shield Expert feat, you do not lose your AC
bonus when performing this maneuver.
Close Quarters
Fighting (Sword and Fist)
Prerequisite: BAB+3
Benefit: When an enemy attempts to grapple you, any damage you inflict
with a successful AoO provoked by the grapple attempt is added to your
ensuing Grapple check to avoid being grappled. Further, you are entitled
to make an AoO even if the attacking
creature has the improved grab ability. This doesn't provide you with
additional AoOs in a round.
Cosmopolitan (FR Survival Guide)
Benefit: Choose a non-restricted skill you do not have as a class
skill. You gain a +2 bonus on all checks with that skill, and that
skill is always considered a class skill for you.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Its effects do not
stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new skill.
Prerequisites: BAB +4, Dex 13+, Expertise, Weapon focus: any melee weapon.
You must be holding a weapon with which you have a weapon focus or a shield with which you are specialized in order to use this ability. Once per round when you would normally be hit with a ranged weapon, you may make a Reflex saving throw against a DC of 20 (if the ranged weapon has magical bonuses to attack, the DC increases by that amount). If you succeed, you deflect the weapon. You must be aware of the attack and not flat-footed. Attempting to deflect a ranged weapon doesnt count as an action. Exceptional ranged weapons, such as boulders hurled by giants or Melfs acid arrows, cant be deflected.
Dirty Fighting
(Sword and Fist modified)
Prerequisite: BAB+2
Make a melee attack roll normally. If successful, you inflict an
additional 1d4 points of damage. This feat requires the full attack action
and applies to all iterative attacks. It is usable any time a sneak attack
would be possible and is not cumulative with the sneak attack bonus.
Discipline (FR Survival Guide)
Your people are admired for their single-minded determination and clarity of purpose. You are difficult to distract by spell or blow.
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus to Will saves and a +2 bonus to Concentrate checks.
Divine Gift (Netbook of Feats 2.0)
Prerequisites: Wisdom 13+, Knowledge (religion)
Grants the individual the ability to know/understand up to his or her wisdom modifiers worth of orisons (0-level divine spells chosen from the characters deity). The character can use his or her selection of orisons by preparing and using three per day. Anyone trying to cast a spell (even though its just 0-level) must meet all of the requirements and suffer all of the penalties associated with the use of divine magics.
Special: If a character subsequently gains the ability to cast divine spells, he or she may trade this feat for a metamagic or divine feat.
Education (FR Survival Guide)
Some lands hold the pen in higher regard than the sword. In your youth you received the benefit of several years of more-or-less formal schooling.
Benefit: All Knowledge skills are class skills for you. You get a +1 bonus to all skill checks with two Knowledge skills.
Special: You may only take this feat as a 1st-level character.
Faith (netbook inspired):
Prerequisites: Wis 13+, Chr 13+, marked (read well role-played) devotion to a specific deityin my game, this feat is only available to followers of El Elyon.
Character gains the ability to turn undead once per day as if he or she were a 0-level cleric.
Special: You may select this feat more than once. Each time you take this feat, it adds an additional turning attempt per day and an additional effective cleric level. For example, a character who took this feat three times would be able to turn undead three times per day as a second level cleric (A character may never have a higher turning level than his or her character level). This ability does not stack with cleric or paladin turning abilities. Any character who selected this feat and subsequently gains the ability to turn undead as a class feature may exchange this feat for the Extra Turning feat.
[Calibans House Rules]
You make a false attack to cause your opponent to leave him or herself
Prerequisite: Weapon Finesse, Dodge, Bluff skill, Dex 13+, 6+ base attack
Benefit: When making a full attack action you may use the Bluff skill to
feint in combat (PHB, page 64). In this case you are feinting with your
weapon. If you are successful, you may make an immediate attack of
opportunity against your opponent and they lose their Dex bonus to AC.
This is the only attack you make this round, and if you fail in the Feint
attempt, you make no attack.
Special: If you attempt to a Feint against the same opponent on
consecutive rounds, you get a cumulative penalty of 5 on your bluff
checks. This penalty is reduced by 4 for every round you do not attempt to
bluff your opponent. For example, if you attempt the Feint maneuver
against the same opponent for 3 consecutive rounds, you get a 5 on
your bluff check the second round, and a 10 on the third round. If
you do not attempt to feint on round four, the penalty goes down to 5
for a feint attempt on round five, and if you did not feint on round five,
you could do a feint with no penalty on round six. (Your opponent will be
prepared if you try the same trick again, and harder to fake out. If you
wait a round or two their guard drops again.)
Hold the Line (Sword and Fist):
Prerequisites: BAB+2, Combat Reflexes.
You make an AoO against an opponent who charges you when he enters the
area you threaten. Your AoO happens immediately before the charge attack
is resolved.
Horse Nomad (FR Survival Guide)
You have been raised in a culture that relies upon riding and shooting for survival.
Benefit: You get Martial Weapon Proficiency (composite short bow) and a +2 bonus on all Ride checks.
Improved Counterspell (FR Survival Guide)
You understand the nuances of magic to such an extent that you can counter your opponents spells with great efficiency.
Benefit: When counterspelling, instead of using the exact spell you are trying to counter, you may use a spell of the same school that is one or more levels higher than the target spell.
Improved Sunder
(Sword and Fist):
Prerequisites: BAB+2, Sunder.
When you strike an Opponent's weapon, you inflict double damage.
Knockdown (Sword and Fist-modified)
Prerequisites: BAB +2, Power Attack, Cleave, Expertise
Whenever you deal 10 point of damage or more with a melee attack you have a chance to knock your foe prone. This is resolved as a trip attack. Success does not count as downing an opponent for purposes of Cleave, Great Cleave, etc. It is not a true trip attack and therefore failure does not allow your foe a trip attack. Neither does success allow you to use improved trip.
Luck of Heroes (FR Survival Guide)
Your land is known for producing heroes. Through pluck, determination, and resilience, your people survive when no one expects them to come through.
Benefit: You receive a +1 luck bonus to all saving throws.
Mercantile Background (FR Survival Guide)
Powerful trading costers and craftsmans guilds control the wealth and commerce of the lands. You come from a family that excels at a particular trade, and knows well the value of any kind of trade good or commodity.
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to all Appraise checks and a +2 bonus to skill checks in the Craft or Profession skill of your choice.
Militia (FR Survival Guide--modified)
You served in a local militia, training with weapons suitable for use on the battlefield.
Benefit: You get Martial Weapon Proficiencies in two weapons: one melee and one ranged (or reach). In the Republic of Capernaum, these are: shortbow and shortsword. In the Kingdom of Durenheim, these would be Double Crossbow or Arbalest and shortsword. In the Hanseatic Empire, these would be Shortbow and Heavy Flail. Among the tribes of the Highlands, these would be composite shortbow and long sword.
Power Lunge
(Sword and Fist)
Prerequisites: BAB+3, Power Attack.
A successful attack roll during a charge allows you to inflict double
your normal Str modifier in addition to the attack's damage. You provoke
an AoO from the opponent you charged.
Rapid Reload
(Sword and Fist):
Prerequisites: BAB+2, proficiency with the crossbow used.
You can reload a hand or light crossbow as a free action that provokes an
AoO. You may reload a heavy crossbow as a move equivalent action that
provokes an AoO. You can only use this feat once per round.
Riposte (Netbook inspired):
Prerequisites: expertise
Grants an attack of opportunity every time an attack misses you in melee combat. The number of attacks you receive may not exceed the dodge bonus granted by expertise and these attacks count against the maximum allowable attacks of opportunity per round.
Shield and spear fighting (original, refined by Blake on Eric Noahs message board):
Prerequisites: weapon focus: longspear, shortspear, or ranseur, str. 11+, dex. 11+
Allows longspears, shortspears, or ranseurs to be used one handed (as long as you have weapon focus with that weapon type). While fighting in this style, you cannot use any special Trip or Disarm bonuses your weapon would normally give you (you can still use Reach or 'set vs charge' attributes the weapon may have). The free hand may be used to hold a shield, but may not be used to wield another weapon.
Shield Expert (Sword and Fist):
Prerequisites: BAB+3, Shield proficiency.
You may make an off hand attack with your shield while retaining the
shield's AC bonus for that round.
Stunning Shield
Bash (Calibans House Rules)
You know how to make a stunning attack with your shield.
Prerequisite: Shield Proficiency, Shield Specialization, Dex 13+, and
base attack bonus +8 or higher.
Benefit: You must have a shield to use this feat. Declare that you are
using the feat before you make your attack roll (thus, a missed attack
roll ruins the attempt). It forces a foe damaged by your shield bash to
make a Fortitude Saving throw (DC + ½ your level + Str modifier), in
addition to dealing damage normally. If the defender fails his saving
throw, he is stunned for 1 round (until just before your next action). A
stunned character cant act and loses any dexterity bonus to Armor
Class. Attackers get +2 bonus on attack rolls against a stunned opponent.
You may attempt a stunning blow once per day for every four levels you
have attained, and no more than once per round.
Special: If you also have the Shield Expert feat, you do not lose your AC
bonus when performing this maneuver.
Shield Rush
(Calibans House Rules)
You know how to use your shield as part of a Bull Rush.
Prerequisite: Shield Proficiency, Shield Specialization
Benefit: Allows you to add your shield bonus (Including shield mastery or
magical bonuses) to the opposed strength check when performing a bull
rush. You lose all AC benefits of the shield until your next action.
Special: If you have shield spikes, you may make a shield bash attack as
part of the bull rush, but if you do, you dont add your shield bonus
to the strength check. If you have Improved Bull Rush you will not provoke
an Attack of Opportunity when doing a Shield Rush. If you also have the
Shield Expert feat, you do not lose your AC bonus when performing this
Prerequisites: BAB +6, shield expert, shield proficiency.
Select small shield, large shield, or buckler. When using your chosen shield type, you may double the armor bonus granted by the shield (not including any enhancement bonuses, natural or magical).
Special: You may select this feat more than once. Each time you take this feat it will apply to a different type of shield.
Shield Ward
(Calibans House Rules)
You are trained in using your shield to block any type of attack.
Prerequisite: Shield Proficiency, Shield Specialization, Block Arrows,
Dodge, and Dex 13+.
Benefit: If subject to any attack that normally allows you to save for ½
damage, you may apply the ½ damage to your shield instead of
yourself. (See strike a weapon, weapons and shields on page 136 of the
PHB). If this destroys the shield, any left over damage is applied to you.
You lose all AC benefits of the shield until your next action.
Special: This does not apply to gaseous attacks, falling damage, or any
attack form that would normally ignore a shield. If you also have the
Shield Expert feat, you do not lose your AC bonus when performing this
Signature Spell (FR Survival Guide)
You are so familiar with a mastered spell that you can convert other prepared spells into that spell.
Prerequisite: Spell Mastery
Benefit: Each time you take this feat, choose a spell you have mastered with Spell Mastery. You may now convert prepared arcane spells of that spells level or higher into that signature spell like a good cleric spontaneously casts prepared spells as cures.
Special: You may gain this feat multiple times. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new mastered spell.
Silver Palm (FR Survival Guide)
Your culture is based on haggling and the art of the deal.
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Appraise and Bluff checks.
Skill Focus (PHB modified): grants a +3 bonus on all skill checks with the chosen skill.
Smooth Talk (FR Survival Guide)
Your people are accustomed to dealing with strangers and foreigners without needing to draw weapons to make their point.
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on all Diplomacy and Sense
Motive checks.
Sorcerous Ability (FR Survival Guide Modified)
You have the strange ability to alter the world around you. This ability, should you develop it, would allow you to become a sorceror. Even if you never explore the limits of your abilities, you will always have some supernatural abilities.
Prerequisite: Charisma 13+
Benefit: Choose any three 0-level arcane spells. You may cast two of these 0-level spells per day as a first level sorceror. You suffer spell failure penalties for wearing armor. You are treated as a 1st-level caster for all spell effects dependent on level (range, duration, etc.)
Special: You may only take this feat as a 1st-level character. Characters who multiclass into sorceror must have this feat. Any character who later multiclasses into sorceror or wizard must exchange this feat for a metamagic or item creation feat.
Toughness (PHB modified):
This feat grants an extra three hit points. This feat also extends the number of negative hit points you may sustain without dying. For example, the lady Julianna took toughness as a feat and therefore doesnt die until her hit points reach 13. This feat may be taken more than once.
Craft: At least ten ranks of the appropriate craft skill are required before crafting items from extraordinary components (for example: mithril, adamantite, dragonhide, etc). The use of such materials will add to the DC of all checks involved in the creation of the item (exact amounts will vary, depending on the material being used. Mithril might add 6 to the DC of the craft check. Adamantium might add 8).
Related craft and profession skills grant a +2 synergy bonus to each other if you have at least five ranks in them. For example, five or more ranks of weaponsmithing would grant a +2 synergy bonus to armorer. Five or more ranks of blacksmith would add a +2 synergy bonus to any armorer check to make metal armor.
Benefit: You may craft a soulstone. The DC to do so is 10 plus the character level of the soul to be preserved to a maximum DC of 25 (since no-one knows their character level, most people will buy the best that they can afford). The cost of the gem required is as follows: 2^x gold pieces where x is the character level of the soul to be preserved. (Extremely high level Capernaens will retain a Keeper of the Dead to Soul Bind them after death (its the only way to be sure that their souls will be preserved)). The resultant Soulstone is worn touching the skin. Upon the death of its wearer, it acts as a Soul Bind spell, preserving his or her soul within the gemstone. Since the recipient is willing, there is no saving throw (but if the soulstone doesnt have enough capacity to accept a persons soul, it shatters. Capernaens consider this a mark of an undisciplined soul. Such a person will be devoured by the demons worshipped by other men).
When taking general skills such as Wilderness Lore, Perform, Handle Animal, Animal Empathy, et al, you may elect to specialize in one environment type, performance style (Because each rank is supposed to indicate a new style of performance, you must have more than one rank in performance to do this), or animal type. You gain a +2 competence bonus when operating within your specialized area, but suffer a 2 penalty to any other area. For example, Braddock has five ranks of wilderness lore specializing in the steppe environment of his homeland. When in steppes, Braddock uses wilderness lore at +7. When he enters a forest, his wilderness lore check will only be at +3.
Training is not necessary in order to gain a level or to increase skills in which you already possess five or more ranks. Training is necessary in order to learn new feats, skills or (in the case of Wizards) spells.
Characters may also train at standard prices if they do not have the experience points necessary to advance a level. For each week spent in this manner, a character will earn one hundred experience points for every two character levels he or she possesses.
The amount of training necessary to multiclass
mid-campaign will be administered on an
ad-hoc basis depending on the difference between the classes.
For example, Drick (Cleric 3: St. Guthorm) wishes to multiclass to Paladin. He would gain Hit points, skill points (although new skills would still require training), and BAB immediately. He would need to await being chosen (probably a matter of a few days before he would receive another vision) to gain the supernatural abilities of the paladin. He would need to train and practice for a while before gaining proficiency with all martial weapons. (Although this time could be cut down for weapons which he has carried in game and practiced with).
The only exceptions to this rule are first level characters and sorcerors. First level characters may begin as mult-classed apprentice level characters. Any character who selected the Sorcerous Ability feat at first level may multi-class into sorceror.
New Exotic Weapon: (original)
Arbalest: (super-heavy crossbow)
Size: Large
Price: 150gp.
Damage: 2d8
Critical: 19-20/x2
Range: 150
Weight: 12lb.
Type: Piercing
Reloading an Arbalest is a full round action. It is not usable with the Rapid Reload feat. Any character with a strength score of 12 or less will require two rounds to reload this weapon.
New Weapon:
Double Crossbow (Staffman on ENBoard house rules forum)
Variants: Hand (exotic weapon) and Light
(Martial Weapon)
Double Crossbow, Hand
Size: Tiny
Price: 150 gp
Damage: 1d4
Critical: 19-20/2
Range: 30ft
Wt: 4 lb.
Type: Piercing
Double Crossbow, Light
Size: Small
Price: 150gp
Damage: 1d8
Critical: 19-20/2
Range: 80ft
Wt: 8 lb.
Type: Piercing
When using a Double Crossbow, and you have both Bolts loaded, you act as if you had the Rapid Shot feat and can shoot both bolts at a 2 penalty to hit, as a standard action. You can reload one bolt as a move equivalent action, provoking an attack of opportunity. Reloading both bolts is a full round action that provokes attacks of opportunity.
Size: Large
Price: 45 gp
Damage: 1d10
Critical: x4
Wt. 18 lb.
Type: Piercing
A combination weapon combines two martial or simple weapons in a way that makes sense to the DM (ie. Ask me before you choose one). Examples of acceptable weapons: Glaive/guisarme, Warhammer/Heavy Pick, Battleaxe/Light Hammer. It may be used as either weapon depending on the players wish and need only be enchanted once. The price of the basic weapon, however is the cost of both weapons added together. The cost of masterworking such a weapon is also doubled.
Detect Evil/Good: This is a divine spell and detects what is evil or good according to the teachings of the deity granting the spell. Consequently these spells are not on the Keeper of the Dead spell list (they dont have a deity to make the determination). These spells are rarely used Hansea since the deities are largely divorced from matters of morality. In Durenheim, there is some theological debate in the University of Stormkeep about how to interpret the spells results. When used on people, it appears to indicate the general demeanor of an individual towards others rather than whether they have made the appropriate sacrifices to atone for their sins. This has caused some scholars to speculate that the spell is really intended as a guide to how trustworthy an individual is rather than the state of that persons soul.
Gate, Plane Shift, etc.: The cosmology of this campaign world differs from the default D&D cosmology. The Astral, Ethereal, and Elemental planes are present. The generous helping of upper and lower planes typically present in D&D, however, are not accessible with mortal magics.
Harm: Has a will save: partial. Those who succeed at the will save still take 4d6 damage +1 damage/caster level (maximum +15)
Lesser Planar Ally, Planar Ally, Greater Planar Ally: Note that the clerics deity chooses what kind of creature is sent. This is not up to the player.
Lesser Planar Binding, Planar Binding, Greater Planar Binding: These spells are illegal and considered to be evil in Durenheim and Capernaum.
Mind Blank: Does protect against True Strike. It does not prevent an invisible creature from being seen with See Invisibility or True Seeing.
Raise Dead, Resurrection, True Resurrection: These spells are generally unavailable in my campaign. In the event that such a spell is cast, it must be cast within three days in order to function as per the expected result in the Players Handbook. If and when players gain the ability to cast 5th level spells, they may be able to learn more about the special restrictions on these spells in the campaign. (Keep in mind that the split between Capernaum and the Hanseatic Empire was precipitated by the casting of a Raise Dead spell after the three day limitany attempt to do something similar could very well be an event of similar significance).
Reincarnation: Does not exist.
Summon Monster X: Wizards and Keepers of the Dead may not summon celestial creatures. (Keepers of the Dead generally wouldnt want to summon fiendish creatures either but it is possible). Instead, they may summon elemental creatures which are identical to the celestial template except that their smite ability deals elemental damage.
Components are required for most items and are not necessarily available at the local market. Unusual components will either reduce the experience point cost, monetary cost or the DC of the item being created at the DMs discretion.
Some gaze attacks and other visual effects which could not be cast through the scrying medium will effect the scryer if his scrying is recognized. For example, Mortimer was scrying on the evil overlord when the overlords court wizard noticed that they were being watched. The court wizard then cast a hypnotic pattern aimed at the scry sensor. If Mortimer were still watching when the spell took effect, he could be effected by it.
The second edition AD&D assumption that most non-adventurers are zero level humans is inaccurate in this world. The third edition assumption that most NPCs are first level is also inaccurate in this world. Most NPCs will have multiple class levels in NPC classes. (Its still true that more NPCs are first level than are higher but that includes childrenmost of whom are first level). For reference, a 1st level character is probably an apprentice. Some 2nd level characters will be apprentices too. A journeyman or skilled craftsman could very well be 4th level and most masters will be 5th level or higher. An average farm laborer in his late twenties to early thirties is probably a second or third level character.
The distribution of classes also differs dramatically from the standard D&D class distribution. Spellcasting bards, clerics, sorcerors, and wizards are much lower level (and much more likely to be multiclassed than their common D&D counterparts. Fighters, rogues, rangers, paladins, etc. are probably more common (and higher level) than they are in a standard D&D campaign.