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Drik chose a good armor. Radagast and Ulf went for fine quality weapons: Radagast got a longsword and Ulf a greataxe. Bardia chose tools which could make him into a recognized bowmaker.
Drik asked Aelric if he knew of a place where he could buy healing potions. Aelric was not sure, but he suggested Hillsdale, the capital of the earldom. Drik also seemed to be possessed by manticores, since he kept on asking Aelric about them, anything at all, including how to kill them. Aelric didn't know much, but said it would probably take five knights and ten crossbowmen to hunt and kill one manticore. Drik was not taken aback, and wanted to know if it would be ok to hire 15 crossbowmen and go after the manticores. Aelric explained that that could be considered an army, and would be against the law.
Radagast, with his new wealth, went to Cordwellyn in the hopes of buying the ingredients for his familiar summoning spell. He almost danced with joy as he was thinking the magical creature that would rid himself of his accursed health problems. He already had a name for his toad-to-be: Wampum.
Unfortunately Cordwellyn was not too happy too see Radagast. He had heard of the accusations against him. Even though Radagast tried to explain that it was Drik who had accused him, and even though Radagast tried to explain that he had brought another customer - namely Ulf - who would be interested in ingredients for magic, Cordwellyn still doubled the price for what Radagast wanted. Radagast decided it was not worth it. "Damn double-crossing, suck-you-dry vermin traders!" he thought to himself.
Radagast also tried to talk to Garm, his former caravan captain, to keep an eye on Cordwelly just in case he was up to something. Radagast's explanations did not seem t convince Garm, though.
Ulf and Radagast spent the next couple of weeks training with the guards. Radagast learned how to hit harder, and Ulf learned that when somebody went down, the person next to him was briefly vulnerable for a sneaky hit. Bardia tried to make a bow, but ended up ruining even his materials. Drik spent the time studying and training with Father Boris.
Since nothing urgent seemed to materialize during the time in Cador, the party decided to pay a visit to Lord Khulven. After all, they had a standing invitation after rescuing his nephew.
On the second day of travel they saw a caravan headed towards Cador. The caravan bore the symbols of Cordwellyn. There were six guards, which was unusually heavy guard for a caravan. They learned the caravan was delivering weapons. Bardia tried to remember the face of the guard captain, in case he would ever see the man again.
To Radagast the whole weapon shipment smelled wrong. If there was a war against the orcs, someone could make a good profit. It looked like Cordwellyn was in a position to benefit either way, but certainly more if there was a war.
They counted nine small villages and thorps on their way to Hillsborough, where Lord Khulven lived. Just before the city they passed a caravan with three large wagons, but they could not identify the owner.
At the gate to the city Drik explained the party had an invitation to meet Lord Khulven. They learned from the guards that they had held a memorial to Hrun for his bravery. Their weapons were also peacebonded before they were guided to the castle inside the city. Alayn greeted them, thanked them once more and explained that there would be a ceremony to honor them the next day. They were guests of Lord Khulven and could live in the castle.
That night Drik once again got a vision.
The ceremony was to be held at noon. Ulf tried to go looking for the castle mage, but nobody wanted to talk to him. In fact, people stayed out of his sight. Now that he had learned to control his magic it seemed like he was desperately looking for more. Or maybe it was just that he had realized how bad a teacher Radagast was and wanted a second opinion on things...
They were provided with fine clothes for the ceremony. The whole city was celebrating, the hour after noon was even declared a holiday (or holihour?). Everybody must have felt somewhat out of place marching the line of trumpeteers to the castle steps. Lord Khulven, who was so weak he had to have assistants, gave a brief introduction to Alayn. Alayn was not brief, and told of the heroic deeds that were done to rescue him and exaggerated just about every detail. In the end he gave Drik, Radagast, Ulf and Bardia a bronze medallion as a sign of courage.
After the ceremony the royalty had dinner in castle. The chit chat revealed that people were concerned about Alayn's abilities as a ruler. It seemed the people still considered the duchy a kingdom - mere two generations were not enough to bury the memories of former glory.
Talking to Alayn, the party learned that Alayn had given Cordwellyn a permission to raise a small army. It appeared that the weapons shipment was not for sale, but for Cordwellyn's own army. They also learned that Alayn disliked Bjoric's politics.
Bardia and Alayn discussed the recent increase with monsters from the Cursed Lands pushing ever further into human territory. It was clear that something even more sinister was pushing those monsters out from their normal territory in the Cursed Lands. If it was bad in human areas, it must be really bad in the southern parts of the orcish lands.
Radagast asked from Alayn if he knew of any fencing schools. Alayn said there was a man named Wolfgar who had a really good school, but that he did not take many students, and what he took were usually nobility. But Alayn concluded that Radagast would probably have no problems getting into the school, being famous and all. Radagast was looking forward to some lessons in swords play.
Bardia, who was visibly feeling out of place with his fine costume and court habits, left the dinner first. He was getting out of the "disgusting finery" as he walked back to his chambers. There he found a letter waiting for him on the pillow:
Honored Heroes,
It is in desperation that I turn to you, knowing full well the tales of your past exploits and your trustworthiness. I am Gustav Wechseler, son of Gunther Wechseler of the House Wechseler. For generations, my family has plied the trade routes of the kingdom, yet recently a series of disasters has left us on the brink of ruin. The information I am about to impart to you in this letter, and the mission for which I would like to employ you, are both of a highly sensitive nature. Should you have any misgivings about holding secrets - secrets which may put you in grave peril - I bid you read no further.
Recently, information has fallen into my hands that points to a corrupting presence within the local government which conspires to bring down the power of House Wechseler. I fear that this is but a first step in a long-ranging plan to bring chaos and ruin to the city and regions beyond. I dare not contact any of the Earl's men - or even the Duke's magistrates - for fear of alerting my family's enemies, yet I cannot stand by and ignore this threat. I beg you to meet me tonight for dinner at my residence within the keep. Tyvis will be more than happy to provide you with directions. I urge you to proceed with utmost caution, as my enemies may be on the alert for an attempt to elicit aid such as this.
Bardia was a bit puzzled since he did not recall meeting anyone named Tyvis during the dinner. His puzzlement was shortlived, for someone touched his shoulder from behind. It was a man. He introduced himself as Tyvis. Tyvis explained that they were to come to the Sword & Cloak tavern's side entrace, where Tyvis would be waiting to lead them to Gustav.
After the rest of the companions retired from the dinner, and found the letters in their rooms, it was decided that they would pay a visit to this Wechseler family. They changed to normal clothes, and slipped out of the castle alone and in pairs, asking directions to places that had nothing to do with Sword & Cloak. Bardia got directions to an interesting place called the Lusty Lass...
Once outside, the party regrouped and asked the directions to the Sword & Cloak. They met Tyvis at a side alley. Tyvis showed them a secret door, and guided them through the building, eventually to a big dining hall where Gustav Wechseler greeted them heartily.
After some small talk they had dinner. Gustav mentioned that Cordwellyn's niece had been at the castle, a beautiful woman, but of course the party had not known her. Radagast wanted to know the secrets of the "turning spell" Drik had casted during the necro storm while they were explaining their adventures once again. Drik tried to explain it was not a spell, but a gift, a power, from his god. Radagast obviously did not buy such nonsense, and blaimed Drik for being jealous and guarding his secrets.
Finally Tyvis brought dessert, and the servants left. Gustav went on to describe the problems his house had faced: problems with customs when everything was in order, delays, confiscated goods, even robberies. He voiced his suspicions about spies inside his own house, as well as in the castle. He trusted Alayn, though. Gustav was also wondering if the illness of Lord Khulven was unnatural.
Bardia and Ulf wanted to know how the party could help, since the situation seemed to be highly political as well. Gustav explained that they would only need to act as bodyguards for Tyvis when he went to meet an informant next night. He would pay 20 gold for everyone. Radagast thought he had heard wrong, but no. He was thinking that if all traders paid that well for services they should seek employment in a trader house! The party agreed. Ulf also asked if Gustav knew which trader houses or factions were the cause of the problem but Gustav did not know.
Next night the group again sneaked out to meet Tyvis. Tyvis suggested the group keep behind and help only if needed. Tyvis lead the group to a poorer section of the town, to the Hanged Man pub. There they met Terret, who had brought four thugs with him. Terret said the deal was not good enough. The thugs started moving forward. Radagast prepared to cast a sleep spell, while the other party members took their positions. They did not need to do anything, though, since Ulf stepped close to Terret with his most intimidating posture. Terret nearly wet his pants, and quickly changed tones!
Back at the gates to the section of the city were the party stayed, Tyvis showed some papers to the guards and slipped some money at them, and the group was safely through. Gustav paid them 20 gold each, and thanked them for their help.
Gustav explained there was a gang called Ring of Iron that bought slaves from orcs. This group of thugs was also involved in smuggling, waylaying Gustav's caravans and other crimes. Some people looked the other way, which was why it was able to operate. Gustav had learned that there was a hiding place in the sewers, perhaps the headquarters, and asked if the heroic party would like to help him ambush the criminals in the sewers. He only expected to meet maybe five persons there, so he would come alone with the party.
The party agreed. Radagast wanted to know if Gustav could provide them some weapons, since their gear was peacebonded. Gustav said that was no problem, he would provide the guards with something else to do so the party could go unnoticed. True to his words, when the party had picked up their gear and passed the guards there was a haywagon with some serious "wrestling" going on... Nice way to be distracted.
The party met Gustav who was armed with a double crossbow and sword, and was clad in chainmail. Gustav lead the way to the storm sewers. They were greeted with the stench of waste and garbage. There seemed to be a slow breeze in the tunnels, as if breathing. The air was getting warmer, as they followed the tunnels town, finally to a tunnel that was so narrow they had to continue in single line.
Suddenly the narrow tunnel started contracting from the end they had come from! Bardia shot an arrow behind when the others started running, just to see if it was an illusion, but it seemed very real and he barely escaped the crush of the grey walls (which no longer seemed like real sewer walls).
The party and Gustav stumbled into a chamber with 10 people and six orcs. Gustav seemed to be really surprised, and he tried to think of something to talk them out of the situation. It seemed like the humans and orcs (of the Blood Hatchet tribe) were arguing about their deal, having already been trapped down there for two days. Bardia came up with a plan, and stumbled out a story of the party being the reinforcements the humans had sent earlier. When his story did not sound convicing he blamed the inconsistencies to him forgetting some details due to the awful stench in the sewers. The human leader seemed to play along with Bardia.
The chamber was rather big, with exits to two smaller caves and dead end tunnels. There was also a pile of rubble on one wall, and something seemed to be coming through it! 10 undeads burts through the barricade into the chamber!
Bardia, Ulf and Gustav fired their bows into the midst of the unholy creatures, killing one of them. A frantic melee followed, after which three thugs were lying on the ground dying, and at least three monsters dead. The undeads dragged the fallen back with them, and the thugs and the orcs quickly rebuilt the barricade.
Drik had tried turning the undeads, but he felt something opposing him. There was something terribly wrong in the place.