Session XXXIV - Goodbye Vogmor (2002-07-09)

As the sun set the ground texture and color seemed to change to that of flesh as soon as the sun's rays's gave hold to the night. Low moans and shuffling movement could be heard from the easst, the direction of the graveyard. An oppressive presence settled over the townsfolk minds.

Gronthor was keeping watch. He cast light on a crossbow bolt, and fired it in a long arc towards the east. In the light he could see shuffling humanoids, zombies perhaps, walking slowly towards the center of the town. He wakened the others.

Gronthor and Jobric cast what spells they figured they'd need, then Gronthor started firing bolts from the tower window at the undeads. Hadnir also shot a couple of arrows, killing one of the creatures banging on the neighboring houses' door. When the tower's door burst open, he charged downstairs with Jobric, and quickly dispatched of the zombies there, then advancing to block the gate at the small courtyard.

Only Gronthor saw the black winged creature fly down the street, and perch himself over the entrance to the nearest house. Then he winged man pointed his finger at Hadnir and Jobric, and a crackling bolt of electricity shot at the two companions. Hadnir jumped clear with near inhuman reflexes, but Jobric was not so lucky taking the full brunt of the magical attack.

Gronthor engaged the stange man in taunts, learning that he served Vogmor. While Hadnir easily killed the zombies and worst that wondered his way, Jobric and Gronthor exchanged spells with the flying man. Finally Jobric gave Hadnir the ability to fly, but before Hadnir had a chance to go after the winged man he faced the biggest, meanest looking fiery wolf he'd ever seen, which immediately knocked him over with his attack. Hadnir, being very badly wounded, made a desperate stunt and flew on top of the tower to gulp down some healing potions. Jobric had not stood still, and simply made the summoned wolf disappear.

Next time the mysterious man flew near, Jobric cast a spell on him which seemed to freeze him in mid air and he plunged to the ground. Hadnir took advantage of the situation, and run his sword through the man's throat, killing him instantly. There were no more zombies or other undeads moving around either. Hadnir beheaded him just in case, and he was quickly stripped of values, including a spell book (apparently), a wand that shot acid arrows, and several other items. As they were doing this, the body suddenly jerked up, did a blind swing at Jobric, and was then mowed down by Gronthor's magical missiles.

In the morning they had a meeting with the townsfolk. Hadnir persuaded Gronthor that they should go after Vogmor, who was now weakened. Also Hadnir was almost certain that Vogmor might be the demon Radagast had fought earlier in the sewers of Dhunraven. They agreed to pay the townsfolk 50 gold if they would leave alone, and take Radagast's body to the temple. That settled, Hadnir lead Gronthor and Jobric to the graveyard.

There were several mausoleums, and a shire at the graveyard, amidst a great number of ordinary graves. A lot of the graves appeared to be empty now. They deciced to investigate the shrine first. It was a sorry sight, desecrated with vile symbols and blood blood. They spent nearly an hour looking for a trapdoor of some sort, and finally found something leading to a small crypt under the shrine.

As they descended the short stairs, they heard Vogmor greet them. He said he had been waiting them, saying he was quite unpleased with them slaying Ofek. That finally confirmed it in Hadnir's mind - it was the demon that had escaped from Radagast. Hadnir, in his own element now facing the demon, advanced after getting an enchantment from Gronthor that enabled him to move twice as fast as normal. His short swords worked faster than the eye could see, slashing, puncturing, feinting and striking at the tentacle'd demon and the two undead minions it had summoned to its help. Jobric and Gronthor flung their magic at the demon as well, both moving unnaturally fast. The demon got lucky with its tentacle, and managed to grab Hadnir in his embrace. After a few tries to get free, Hadnir managed to do that. Just before the killing blow from Hadnir the demon cast his unholy ritual that nearly did Gronthor and Hadnir in. But in the end they prevailed.

Vogmor diminished into a gem, which Hadnir picked up. The chamber, which had been covered in flesh started melting. Hadnir wanted to investigate the two coffins in the room before leaving broke into the first one, which was empty. A big splash of the vile goo landed on him, making him worried and he sprinted out of the chamber before investigating the last coffin. As he got out, the flesh turned into some kind of black dust covering the whole crypt. Hadnir closed and bolted the door.

They had an uneventful trip back to Dhunraven, except that Hadnir started feeling ill on the way. In the temple they tried to destroy the gem by placing it on the altar, sprinkling holy water on it and smashing it with a hammer. There wasn't a scratch. They asked for Theoden's help in storing the gem. Theoden went to his quarters, spent a surprisingly long time there, and finally came back with an iron chest. Hadnir put the gem in, Theoden locked the chest, and Hadnir put the chest into his backpack.

They learned from Theoden that the council of lords had apparently approved Alayn as the next ruler if he would marry the daughter of Lord Bjoric from the neighboring fiefdom. Theoden was not too happy about that.

They stayed the night in the temple. In the morning Hadnir was very sick, and needed Theoden's prayer to make him feel better.

The party went looking for a place to sell their loot, identify the cloak and various potions, and looking for a place to buy healing and other kinds of magic. They learned of an old hag outside the town, and a lady in the docks area, but eventually settled for Wolfrig. They got in mentioning that Wolfrig would like to hear about Radagast's death.

They were showed to Wolfrig's tower, where they waited for him. Wolfrig had obviously been mad at Radagast, and Hadnir feared he might carry the feeling towards his former companions as well. In the end Wolfrig seemed to be more interested in making a deal with the party about several items. First, they would trade Ofek's book if Wolfrig would identify the cleak and three potions, and for Hadnir a free access to Wolfrig's mundane library. He agreed. Jobric also sold him Yrsiltrad's spellbook, which got Jobric the best magical armor Wolfrig could make or acquire. Hadnir did not like that part one bit, but since he had not been there while Gronthor and Jobric retrieved the book he really did not have a say. Wolfrig said they needed to leave the items to be identifed with him and pick them up the next day - the party agreed but only by keeping the books until the identification was done.

To kill some time, the party went with Gronthor who was looking for some nice magic to buy. They ended up at Cordwellyn's shop, who had the reputation of carrying the best magical selection. Hadnir figured they would just anonymously buy some things and leave. It did not turn out that way. The storekeepers summoned a lady to do conduct the business on the magic items, who immediately either guessed or new who Gronthor was. She showed some of the selection, but in the end Hadnir had to drag Gronthor out explaining that they might stay in better health if they did not buy anything from the man who Radagast suspected of being the mastermind of several sinister plots. Also, Hadnir pointed out, Jobric was a skilled maker of magical items so perhaps Gronthor and Jobric could come to a deal.

The next day they paid a brief visit at Wolfrig. The three potions were all potions of healing, rather good ones in fact. The cloak offered a small resistance against various kinds of magical and mundane effects. Gronthor and Hadnir divided the potions, while Hadnir kept the cloak.
