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Cassandra and Jobric met with Theodoris just as he was leaving the tower area, and magicked them in with Radagast and Gronthor.
The party examined the area. The big room where they fough the centaur had old summoning circles on the floor, stone pillars and two doors leading to small rooms that had at some time been dungeons.
There were drainpipes leading downwards a corridor, and at the end they found a pool. As Cassandra went to touch the water (before anyone had time to tell her not to do it). To her surpise the water animated in a humanoid shape, slamming her and dragging her under the surface. The water creature then stepped out of the pool and attacked Gronthor. Gronthor and Radagast managed to cast Magic missiles at it first, then Radagast attacked with his flaming sword while Gronthor sent another volley of magical missiles at it. To Radagast horror his sword snuffed out like a candle when he hit the creature, but it did seem to cause some damage. The third volley of magical energy reduced the elemental to a puddle of water. During the fight Jobric had edged his way near the pool and was trying to get a rope to Cassandra who was unable to swim in her heavy armor and had sunk to the bottom of the 20 foot cistern. She managed to hold her breath long enough to climb to safety with Jobric rope.
The search through the rest of the complex produced a locked iron door that they were unable to force open, a room with marble statue of some unholy god or creature, and a strange room with six levers. At the center there was a pewter pedestal. The room appeared to be made for some kind of magic other than summoning. Other things they had recovered were 2 silver statues of angels, a platinum cup, silver punching dagger, golden hilt of a sword, a puch of 75 gold and a parchment that had five arcane spells to Radagast's delight. They were: color spray, obscure object, protection from good, Tasha's hideous laughter and Tenser's floating disc.
One tunnel they had not investigated ended up with a curtain that hid a room. In the room were the remains of four warriors and an undead creature that they had to kill. It was not too difficult, even though it smelled ghastly. The dead had 4 usable longswords.
The final uninvestigated tunnel lead outside to the woods, the door smashed open (apparently by the centaur). Radagast found a log usable as a battering ram and they used it to break through the iron door. That proved to be a disappointment, for it only lead to the abandoned orc cave where Gronthor was briefly held. The cave was empty.
Figuring they would have a change to recover Gronthor's stolen equipment from the orcs they spent a night in the complex, and after preparing their spells set for an orc beating mission.
Radagast and Gronthor placed them selves outside the tower, ready to shoot magic missiles at any orc they saw. Jobric and Cassandra flew to the roof, and hacked a hole in there. The orcs were waiting, and since no orc had showed their head for magic missiles Jobric fetched the remaining companions for an all out assault. After Jobric cast a soun burst in the smaal room it was safe to fly in an dispatch with the orcs in a relatively safe manner. To their surprise, the tower was not teeming with orcs: there were less than ten total, so it was far easier than they had expected. Cassandra was happy to recover her wand of healing and Gronthor his gear. They also found loot worth some 500 gold pieces they estimated.
Feeling better they went back to the undergriound complex. Cassandra really wanted to try the levers in the strange room despite Radagast's warnings. It turned out she could not move them at all. While they were trying to figure things out, Gronthor heard a whisper in his ear: "It won't open without the amulet." After some more talk it became apparent it was Quintus. He proposed an alliance. According to him, the amulet was a key to operate the teleportation device to the ancient wizard's lair. Quintus said he was mostly interested in a ring taken from his grandfather. The party agreed to try and get the amulet, although they pretty much figured they'd need to watch out for betrayal on Quintus' part.
Back in Hightower they sold the loot, Radagast identified the four potions they had (they turned out to be levitate, darkvision, cure light wounds and hiding?), and Jobric and Cassandra spent a fair amount of time getting Kjadbrek to release the symbol. In the end, they convinced him it was the right and safe thing to do, especially since Cassandra was such a holy person. Afterwards Cassandra felt the need to pray hard and do some sacrifices to cleanse her spirit from the half-thruths.